Happy Philip's Birthday Month to Everyone! :-)
My precious husband turns 24 this month (on the 23rd), I always enjoy being the young one.
In other news...
Phil and I have made some big decisions lately that are going to change our lives quite a bit (no Mom, no babies yet!)
I have given my job notice that my last day with the company will be December 31st. I have been hired by a company called Take Lessons (TakeLessons.com)

that connects me with voice students in my area. I will begin teaching voice lessons after I complete my orientation in December! I am super pumped about this exciting new adventure albeit a little nervous. I am so looking forward to working with students (young and old) that are looking to grow in their abilities. It is a little scary giving up a constant salary and moving into a field that isn't quite as steady but we know that the Lord will provide. He has truly given me the desires of my heart and I know that as I am serving him in this new career he will continue to bless Philip and me. We have been blessed beyond anything we could have ever imagined.
Thank you for your prayers and encouragement during this time and in the days to come! We love you all and are so thankful to have such a wonderful support system.
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