Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Boom! Done!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009
1. My Godly Husband
2. My Precious Puppies & Beautiful House
3. My Loving & Supportive Family
4. The Chance God Has Given Me to Pursue My Dreams
5. The Friends That the Lord Has Placed in My Life
6. A New Church Family
Blessings I Take For Granted:
1. A Healthy Body & Mind
2. Waking up Each Morning With Purpose
3. Jesus Christ Shedding His Blood so That I Could Have Eternal Life in Heaven
4. The Gifts and Abilities God Gave Me
5. No Debt (other than college)
6. Knowing That No Matter My Transgressions The Lord Forgives Me
I am going to make a real effort to shrink the "Blessing I Take For Granted" list and become more aware of God's blessings in my everyday life. I tend to reflect around this time of year (especially with the decade coming to a rapid end) and look back at how I have spent the last year.
In this decade I graduated from high school, graduated from college, married my best friend, bought a house, added two precious puppies to our family, allowed the Lord to transform my heart, found a home church that I am excited about, got a 'Big Girl' job, & faced many, many demons.
Thank you Lord for the this past year and for the past 10 years. Thank you for forgiving me. Thank you for your promise. Thank you for your grace. May I grow closer to you during the next 10 years.
Love you all! Be blessed!
Friday, December 18, 2009
I am praying that this Christmas Eve and Christmas Day will be filled with joy and love within all of your families. I understand that the holidays can bring on a feeling of angst and trepidation. I pray that you will all find joy in celebrating the birth of our Savior.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009
I Just Love a Good Countdown!

Thursday, December 10, 2009
Sweet Emails Make My Heart Happy :-D
"Courtney: You will be missed!!! You have been excellent to work with and I wish you the very best in your new endeavors! What a great opportunity to work from home. I have done that before and it really helps to bring some balance to your life. I just signed my daughter up for voice lessons through Mesquite ISD and she loves it! Best of luck! Keep in touch."
"It will be sad to see you go. You will truly be missed. I hope they realize that. Unfortunately, we never appreciate people until they are gone. I want to say thank you for all your hard work and I appreciate you! I wish you happiness and success. May God’s blessing be on with you."
"I hate to see you go, but I wish you well with your new opportunity. Thanks for all your hard work."
It almost makes all the stress, rude emails, & immaturity worth it.... ALMOST! :)
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
"Everything Rides on Faith Now"
So I prayed.
"Lord, please take control of these doubts and fears and turn them into excitment and joy. I am not in control and I thank you for the wisdom to recognize this. You gave me gifts that I can use for your glory and I desperately need you now."
God has his hands on me and my sweet family. I am finding peace is knowing that this is part of his plan for us. If you will, please pray that I can overcome this 'sickness' (as I call it) of letting Satan convince me that I am not good enough.
Love you all!
Monday, December 7, 2009
Christmas Cards....
First, does anyone know of any low price (free would be even better!) ways to send out Christmas Cards this year? Phil and I have never done it and I would just love to start this year :)
Second, I need addresses, if you would like to recieve a Christmas Card from the Collins' please send me your address! Email me @ Courtneyscollins@yahoo.com or Facebook me :)
Love you guys.
Friday, December 4, 2009
Tacky Sweater Party!

Monday, November 30, 2009
Bring on the Mistletoe! :-D

We are excited to be hosting our first Christmas in our house this year! I can hardly wait!
(Have you noticed how many exclamation points have occured so far in this post?!)
We love you all and hope that you are having as much fun as we are decorating for Jesus' birthday!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Taking Steps Forward
My precious husband turns 24 this month (on the 23rd), I always enjoy being the young one.
In other news...
Phil and I have made some big decisions lately that are going to change our lives quite a bit (no Mom, no babies yet!)
I have given my job notice that my last day with the company will be December 31st. I have been hired by a company called Take Lessons (TakeLessons.com)

Thank you for your prayers and encouragement during this time and in the days to come! We love you all and are so thankful to have such a wonderful support system.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Finding Strength in Lord

This past weekend I got a very distressing call to let me know that my beloved choral director, Ron Shirey, had passed away due to a heart attack. I want to take a second to remember and honor this wonderful man.
Shirey (we always left off the Mr.) found me during my high school years and tracked me down during a Texas Music Educators Association conference in San Antonio, TX. My voice teacher at the time, Mary Drayer, had studied under him during her years at TCU and was more than happy to introduce the two of us. I remember him taking me by the arm (as he did quite often in my years at TCU :) and told me that I would be auditioning for him and some of the music staff at TCU. There was no question in his statement :) I adored him immediately!! He was the reason I went to study music at Texas Christian University and the reason I recieved scholarships. He believed in me during the most uncertain time in my life. He was a confidant and a wonderful director. I learned more musically from him than I have ever learned with anyone else.
I can remember the wrath of Shirey during rehearsals when our group of friends would see just how much we could get away with and I can remember after each class hanging out with him at his podium and laughing about exactly that! He was a precious man and I will never, never forget him. The Lord has his angel with him now... and I KNOW he is singing and conducting that heavenly choir, hope they can handle it!! :-)
All My Love,
Monday, September 28, 2009
The Countdown Continues...

Thursday, September 17, 2009
Police Officer????
Becoming a police officer is not an easy task. The process is lengthy and tedious, but I am up to the challenge. I have already applied to the City of Allen and am registered to take the Police Officer Selection Test on October 3rd. The test is in the morning and for those that make a 70 or above, they are allowed to do the physical agility part of the test. After succesfully completing both, there is then an oral interview. There will probably be around 400 people and there are only 3 openings.
I am also applying for the City of Mesquite. There application is 55 pages and is no fun. I plan on turning that in before Sep. 24th, so that I am eligible for the test on October 5th.
We know that God has the ultimate perfect plan and are trusting in HIM. Thanks for reading.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
I'm Getting Old! :)
I think back at how I thought we would never be able to have the kind of relationship that I wanted us to have because we were just too different. I am increadibly glad that we HAVE been able to build a strong relationship as brother and sister as well as friends.
I tear up as I write this because I am so greatful for him, his life, and his love. He is such a wonderful human being and I am so proud of him.
Trey: I know I gave you a hard time for years and I probably played "Mom" a little too much at times, but I just want you to know how much I love and respect the man that you have become. You're such a light in my life and I am thankful that you let me be a part of your life. Happy Birthday little brother :)
Friday, September 4, 2009
Take A Deep Breath
Until last night, when Phil and I stayed home and took it easy, I hadn't stopped to breath. Work was immensly stressful this week as I had a big meeting to prep for and everything seemed to be falling apart right on top of me. But the Lord delivered me just like I knew He would.
I have such an increadible support system around me and I want them to know how appreciated and loved they are, THANK YOU!! To everyone who had me in their prayers, you're an angel :)
Phil and I are ready to begin our long weekend and it begins with an awesome CD release party at The Prophet Bar tonight to support our friend Blake and his band, The Breach! Hooray!
We plan on staying pretty low this weekend, and I wouldn't have it any other way. It's time to recover from this week!
Hope you all have a fabulous Labor Day weekend.
Love you.
Monday, August 24, 2009
*What a Weekend*
We wound up staying well into the night catching up and learning about one another, it was a blessed evening. Phil and I prayed before we went that the Lord would give me strength in confronting some of my fears and He was there holding my hand the whole time.
Thank you Keith, Jana, Karah, Sue, & Wendell for making it a wonderful evening. Phil & I look forward to having all of you be a part of our life, no matter how long it took to get to this point.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Back To School Time!
I am praying for all of you going back to school as teachers, both veterans and first year teachers. I hope that you get a good group of kids that bless you and make the year fun!
On another note;
I cannot believe how quickly time flies. I have been a Project Manager for nearly 7 months although some days it feels as if I have been here for years. It has its ups and downs as with any job but this week has been uncommonly difficult for me. When it rains it pours, right? I find myself getting frustrated and taking it home with me. I am so greatful that the Lord gave Philip so much patience. I truly believe there is no one else on the planet that could put up with me when I get this way :) I am so thankful that there is always light at the end of the tunnel and that God has given me such a wonderful hand to hold until I get there.
This week is almost over though and on Friday Phil and I will be going to the first ever Cowboys game at the new stadium! That's something to look forward to (and rest.... I need it!)
Be blessed my friends, recognize it and embrace it. God never put anything in front of us that we cannot handle and I am living proof of this fact. I love you all.
Friday, August 14, 2009
Our Poor Little Girl :(

Monday, August 10, 2009
Let the Countdowns Begin!!
Needless to say we have quite a few things to look forward to... so the countdown continues!
Thursday, August 6, 2009
A Couple of Prayer Requests
*(Copied from Whitney's blog- www.TheAndersonsCrazyLife.blogspot.com)
Brian and I have been married for almost five years now. We have 2 children, Audrey our active and hilarious three year old and Caden our adorable and sweet three month old. About a month after our son was born we found out that Brian had a brain tumor about the size of a baseball. We were told that it was a slow growing tumor and that if it was cancerous it was a low grade cancer. They removed the tumor on March 13 and three weeks later our world was rocked again when we found out that Brian had stage 4 Glioblastoma multiforme (an extremely aggressive brain cancer). We have the best doctors and the best treatment plan and are sure we will beat this!! We are so busy living our "new normal" (as our Bishop put it) life and excited to share it with ya'll.
... Whitney has been so strong and faithful to the Lord throughout these past months since the diagnosis. I am proud to call her my friend and pray for her strenght as a mother and a wife as well as the only caregiver for their family.
I ask that you join me in supporting them through the power of prayer. Our God is so mighty and gracious, I know that He has his hands on this family.
I love you Whitney and we are thinking of you guys and praying for you. Your such a treasure and I am lucky to know you :)
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Birthday Time
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Let's Get This Blog Started!
Excited about being able to share what is going on in our busy lives. My hope for this blog is to get a chance to keep our family and friends updated on the wonderful things that the Lord is doing in our lives & marriage! We have been blessed beyond our wildest dreams and are excited about our future together :)
To catch up:
Philip and I have been blessed with great jobs; Phil is working as an office engineer for Andres Construction and I am the Project Manager for Star Parking and the City of Dallas. Both carry their fair share of stress and frustration, as with any J-O-B, but we are greatful for the opportunity to work (and the paychecks aint so bad either!) with so many people not able to find work.
We bought our first home a few months ago and are

We have our own sweet little family- Jenny & Jonesy, our precious puppies :) Jonesy will be 4 years old in March and Jenny will be 7 months old on the 31st (they grow up so fast, haha). They truly are our children and boy are they rotten!
We look forward to keeping up with this blog and we appreciate all those who take the time to read it! Love you guys. :)